Looking for Females having confident and strong communication skills for our telemarketing campaign.
Its a morning shift i.e 9am to 5pm
Our office is located in Gulberg III near Liberty market,Lahore
3 vacancies are available at the moment
Salary will be 10000 plus commission with regular increments depending upon the performance
Experience would be beneficial but not essential
We are an Equal opportunity employers
Drop Resumes no later than June 10th 2011 on the mentioned email id
mobeen@ahutech.com and cc to practitioner.hr@gmail.com mention Female-Telemarketing in subject line
Its a morning shift i.e 9am to 5pm
Our office is located in Gulberg III near Liberty market,Lahore
3 vacancies are available at the moment
Salary will be 10000 plus commission with regular increments depending upon the performance
Experience would be beneficial but not essential
We are an Equal opportunity employers
Drop Resumes no later than June 10th 2011 on the mentioned email id
mobeen@ahutech.com and cc to practitioner.hr@gmail.com mention Female-Telemarketing in subject line
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